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🛠️ Options

You can customize the Calendar Heatmap by providing the following options:

typeHeatMapCalendarTypemust provide with configWEEKLY|MONTHLY|YEARLY
startDateDateTimemust provide with configThe start date of the calendar.
cellSizeNumber (as px)optional (15)Day cell size (also you can configure with overWritedDayStyle option)
colorsIHeatmapColor[]optionalHeatmap colors for each level range.
hideEmptyDaysBooleanoptional (false)Empty days (only start and end end month) for filler days.
overWritedDayStyleObjectoptionalStyle each day with inline style object.
heatmapLegendIHeatmapLegendoptionalConfigure display, direction and tooltipFormatter of heatmap calendar legend.
localeStringoptional ("en")Specify the locale for the calendar (weekday and month names).
i18nILocaleoptionalCustom locale for the calendar texts (min, max, less, more, etc.).
tippyPropsProps (from tippy)optionalTippy.js props for the tooltip.
tooltipIHeatmapTooltipoptionalConfigure the tooltip for the heatmap (unit, display state, date format and custom formatter).
onClick(day: IHeatmapDay) => voidoptionalHandle click event for each day.